Animal Rights releases horrific images from inside Flemish slaughterhouse Moerbeko
Animal Rights releases horrific images from inside Flemish slaughterhouse Moerbeko, a wholesaler of meat and meat products, from Zele, Belgium. “The footage from 2020 shows how sheep are grabbed by their fur, thrown into fixating boxes, how the animals witness the slaughter of their peers and how at least one sheep is hanging from a slaughter hook fully consciousness, ”explains Animal Rights director Susan Hartland.
The footage from 2020 shows how sheep are grabbed by their fur, thrown into fixating boxes, how the animals witness the slaughter of their peers and how at least one sheep is hanging from a slaughter hook fully consciousness
The European Regulation
The main provision of the EU COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 1099/2009 of 24 September 2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing is that of Chapter II, Article 3.1: Animals shall be spared any avoidable pain, distress or suffering during their killing and related operations.”
If we look at the images from Zele then it is clear that not even the basic rules are being followed. Apparently staff and supervisors are not interested in sparing the animals “avoidable forms of pain, stress or suffering.”
Stress and fear
The sheep in the waiting pen are already covered in the blood of those slaughtered before them. They can see, hear and smell their fellow victims suffering and dying while they wait their turn. “You see the sheep trying to climb on each other, scrambling to get as far away from the slaughter as possible, ”says Hartland. "This must be extremely terrifying for these animals.”

Throwing sheep
Sheep are roughly grabbed and lifted by their coats. Article 1.8 of Annex III of the Regulation says: “lift or drag the animals by the head, ears, horns, legs, tail or fleece, or handle them in such a way as to cause them pain or suffering”. The animals are then roughly thrown on their backs, an unnatural, stressful position for sheep. Some of the animals kick wildly with their feet in a futile attempt to right themselves.
Article 3.1 of Annex II of the Regulation states: “Restraining equipment and facilities shall be designed, built and maintained to:
(a) optimise the application of the stunning or killing method;
(b) prevent injury or contusions to the animals;
(c) minimise struggle and vocalisation when animals are restrained;
(d) minimise the time of restraint.”
The footage shows that animals spend longer than necessary on their backs. The butcher first sharpens his knife, before picking up the stunner to electrocute the waiting animals. Article 9.3 of Chapter II of the Regulation states: “Business operators shall ensure that animals are not placed in restraining equipment, including head restraints, until the person in charge of stunning or bleeding is ready to stun or bleed them as quickly as possible.” In at least one case, the butcher stuns and cuts the throat of one sheep, while the animal next to it, lying on its back, fully conscious and terrified, witnesses it.
Fully conscious
After being lifted by a hind leg on the slaughter line, one sheep kicks around so wildly and attempts to raise its head, that it cannot be concluded that these are convulsions. This animal is fully conscious again after being electrocuted and having his or her throat slit.
Animal Rights will submit this new footage to the Belgian authorities and file official complaints.
These animals don't want to die and that is all that really matters
There is nothing "humane" about slaughtering
The series of slaughterhouse undercover footage that Animal Rights has presented to the public and authorities in recent years makes clear that the term "humane" in no way applies to slaughter. “These animals don't want to die and that is all that really matters,” Hartland summarizes.
Demand for closure
Animal Rights previously filmed in the slaughterhouses of Tielt, Izegem, Hasselt and Torhout. Slaughterhouse Moerbeko is the fifth slaughterhouse where Animal Rights was able to record abuses. The organization demands the closure of all these slaughterhouses.
Demonstration on October 6
Animal Rights is organizing a demonstration on October 6 in front of the gates of the Moerbeko slaughterhouse to demand justice for the animals and the closure of this slaughterhouse.
According to the website of Moerbeko 1 , animals raised in Great Britain are also slaughtered here:
"In addition, he works in close contact with a few buyers, who supply us with luxury lambs every week, both from the Netherlands and Great Britain".
The meat then also ends up on the Dutch shelves:
"Our customers consist mainly of butchers, supermarkets and meat wholesalers, both nationally and internationally. This is how we found our way to the Netherlands, France and Germany".